Come & visit for a day! Try it out for FREE.
If you or a friend would like to visit for a day of Spring Marching, fill out the registration as instructed below. Once you begin your registration, you will have the option to choose New Marcher One Time Visit. Click that, then scroll down and choose the date you plan to visit (as soon as possible in the season). Complete the registration and there will be no cost. If, after your visit, you with to continue the rest of the season, then you can register for Spring Marching.
To register for Spring Marching, choose ONE of the Spring Marching registrations, whichever is appropriate for your student:
- For Woodwinds or Brass (ie. flutes, saxophones, clarinets, trumpets, trombones, etc., choose the Spring Marching Winds Registration
- For students who are returning percussion or are interested in starting percussion, choose the Spring Marching Percussion Registration
- For students who are returning color guard or interested in starting color guard, choose the Spring Marching Color Guard Registration
- Only ONE Spring Marching Registration per student
If your student will be attending Leadership Retreat, choose that as well.
If your student (returning Marching Eagle) wishes to attend Drum Major Clinics, register for that as well.